It’s a wrap on my second Price: World novel, (working title: Price: Pole-Starr) as after over 62,500 words, I got to type “The End” just a few moments ago.
Of course that’s not the end at all… this was just the first draft. Now comes the serious business of reading it all, checking for plot / storyline inconsistencies before a 2nd draft, etc and then once I’m happy, a final proof read before preparing it for e-book and paperback publishing.
In between, there’s my series of Author Commentaries on my debut novel, Price: World – a chapter by chapter in-depth / behind the story narration by myself.
Also, deciding on how to condense the 2nd novel down into a spell-binding and intriguing synopsis for the back cover and promotional use.
What can i tell you about it?
Only that there’s more exhilarating chases, more incredible gadgets, more dangerous enemies and more in-the-nick-of-time escapes than you ever thought possible in one novel.
Book 2 – Price: Pole-Starr hopefully coming in time for Christmas 2024.

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