Paperback version now available!

Price: World in paperback form is now available via Amazon. Yes, it finally happened after weeks of reading, artwork setting and adjustments, the Paperback version of Price: World became available to buy on Amazon, World-wide! You can still download sample chapters before you buy either Paperback or e-book, and I would ask you Please, Please,…

Price: World in paperback form is now available via Amazon.

Yes, it finally happened after weeks of reading, artwork setting and adjustments, the Paperback version of Price: World became available to buy on Amazon, World-wide!

You can still download sample chapters before you buy either Paperback or e-book, and I would ask you Please, Please, Please leave your positive feedback and star rating as these really help new books (and debut authors) get noticed and offered to a wider audience.

You can still leave your comments or questions via the contact me form on this website, find me on social nedia, and look out for a planned series of videos on YouTube that will offer an Author Commentary on each chapter as well as Q&A sessions and ‘on-location’ films of some of the settings where Price: World takes place.

Here’s how Amazon announced to me that the paperback version of Price: World was live..

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