5 ***** Reviews on Amazon for Price: World

Wow! What a week! Price: World was published in e-book format on Amazon and already some sales and 5 Star Reviews. If you’re waiting for a paperback version, then fear not. The cover is in the final stages of design and I hope to have things finalised ready for submission next weekend. Here’s what people…

Wow! What a week! Price: World was published in e-book format on Amazon and already some sales and 5 Star Reviews.

If you’re waiting for a paperback version, then fear not. The cover is in the final stages of design and I hope to have things finalised ready for submission next weekend.

Here’s what people are saying on Amazon…

“This is the true definition of a page turner. Right from the beginning to the end the pace is like a metronome.
What is it about? Hmm, think Dirk Pitt meets James Bond’s Q in a biopunk fantasy action superhero action adventure crime thriller comic-book-worthy graphic novel. That sort of thing.
Wouldn’t hesitate to read the next in the series.”

For those of you unfamiliar with the literary references, Dirk Pitt is the ‘hero’ character in Clive Cussler novels and of course, James Bond’s ‘Q’ was created by Ian Fleming.

To be favourably compared, even mentioned in the same breath as these literary giants is a compliment of the highest kind for my first novel.

Thank you.

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