Happy Birthday to me..

Yesterday, (25th July), was a busy day, as in addition to my day job, it was also my 59th Birthday. Amongst the birthday cards, presents and good wishes from friends & family via social media, I did spare a thought for my forthcoming novel Price: World. One of the biggest challenges was deciding on an…

Yesterday, (25th July), was a busy day, as in addition to my day job, it was also my 59th Birthday.

Amongst the birthday cards, presents and good wishes from friends & family via social media, I did spare a thought for my forthcoming novel Price: World.

One of the biggest challenges was deciding on an age for the hero – Dr Adam Price.

It was suggested that the first draft leant towards a more ‘young adult’ reader, but that could have meant making the hero character younger, to identify with the younger reader.

The counter-argument was that the Dr had to be of a sufficient age to have acquired the learning and knowledge, necessary to the story’s plot, not to mention his worldly experience.

It’s funny how something like the age of the main character, can so dramatically affect the age of the intended audience, or perhaps it doesn’t? Well, you’ll just have to read the finished book and decide for yourselves.

Dr Price is 34 years old in my novel, and the world I’ve created for him, his friends, and his adversaries. I hope you’ll agree that the decision was the correct one. I’m sure whatever your age, if you enjoy a good fictional adventure story, you’ll find Price: World a real page turner.

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