Author’s Personal Log..

Star date 14:31.21 07 2023.. Author’s personal log… I didn’t get an “I was brave” sticker (or a lollipop) but I managed to go through yesterday’s dentist appointment, and with a ‘little’ sedation (read ‘a lot’), two pesky wisdom teeth were successfully removed by the excellent administrations of the NHS dentistry clinic at Chesterfield. So…

Star date 14:31.21 07 2023.. Author’s personal log…

I didn’t get an “I was brave” sticker (or a lollipop) but I managed to go through yesterday’s dentist appointment, and with a ‘little’ sedation (read ‘a lot’), two pesky wisdom teeth were successfully removed by the excellent administrations of the NHS dentistry clinic at Chesterfield.

So thank you to them, and thank you to family and work colleagues for caring for me, whilst I was a gibbering mass of jelly!

Thankfully, it’s one adventure (or should that be ordeal) that Dr Adam Price – the hero of my up-coming first novel, won’t experience… at least not in Price: World.

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