First Print-off for Proof-Reading

There’s no substitute for proof-reading an actual printed edition. So I’ve just printed the first copy of my finished novel – Price: World – for a jolly good read-through. I’m hoping my daughter, who is currently on holiday in Japan, and starts a new job as an English teacher in September, will do me the…

There’s no substitute for proof-reading an actual printed edition.

So I’ve just printed the first copy of my finished novel – Price: World – for a jolly good read-through.

I’m hoping my daughter, who is currently on holiday in Japan, and starts a new job as an English teacher in September, will do me the honour of reading my novel.

From that first read through, I hope to send a selected few, their own copies, to read and gain feedback & reviews.

So if you’re interested in being one of a handful of First Readers, contact me via the ‘Contact’ page form, and tell me why you think you should be chosen.

The more Eagle-eyed of you might have spotted the working title of Chapter 1.

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