Version 4

Things may have been quiet here lately, but progress has been steadily made, with Version 4 (saved copy 4) of Price: World, now tweaked and proof-read. One of the hardest parts is ‘knowing when to stop’ and any tweaking of the story has to be re-read to make sure it doesn’t interfere with the original…

Things may have been quiet here lately, but progress has been steadily made, with Version 4 (saved copy 4) of Price: World, now tweaked and proof-read.

One of the hardest parts is ‘knowing when to stop’ and any tweaking of the story has to be re-read to make sure it doesn’t interfere with the original energy of the story from its first, and in some places, very hurried writing.

I wanted my story to have pace!

I’m very pleased with the outcome and when compared with the original version, aside from a little (read a lot) of grammatical punctuation, very little has changed of any significance.

Once the small matter of Easter is past (at my day job), then the plan is to complete the artwork for the cover of the novel, and work on the self-publishing platforms of Amazon and then Apple.

Once published, I’d like to do some informal public reading events, and of course start on the second Price: World novel.

Thank you all for your patience. I know I’ve over-run on my publishing date promises, and I hope you’ll find the wait worthwhile.

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