It’s Self-Publishing Research Day..

There’s a lot to find out! In addition to looking at Amazon and Apple’s self-publishing e-book platforms, and more specifically, the file formats etc. they require. I’ve also researched some challenging issues like.. The best font and font size to use.The preferred file formats for submission.Their individual submission processes.Artwork / Book cover design.Pricing and Promotions.…

There’s a lot to find out! In addition to looking at Amazon and Apple’s self-publishing e-book platforms, and more specifically, the file formats etc. they require. I’ve also researched some challenging issues like..

The best font and font size to use.
The preferred file formats for submission.
Their individual submission processes.
Artwork / Book cover design.
Pricing and Promotions.

Well that last one can go on the ‘back-burner’ as I’m still in the proof-reading stages, and I’m sure the feedback I get from two chosen ‘guinea-pigs’, will help shape the published novel.

It seems that writing the novel was only the beginning…. Join me on my journey and ‘Subscribe‘ for updates whenever a new post is published.

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